509 Dungeon House Escape 2 by Inbarasu Govindaraj

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509th Dungeon House escape - 2 is another mysterious point and click type new room escape game developed by ENA games for free. Dream up a situation that you and your grandfather in an isolated house. Your grandfather was an archaeologist and he spent most of his lifetime in that. One day he died. Later, you came to know from your grandfather’s diary, in which he wrote about a treasure, preserved in a dungeon house for more than a century. So, you decided to get that treasure. Based on your grandfather’s note, you reached the dungeon house for the search of treasure. Unfortunately, you got stuck within the house. As a player, it is your responsibility to escape from the house. This could be achievable only if you have determination. As you are the person of good decision making nature, surely you will find the necessary objects to solve the puzzles. Have greater Excitement and Fun by playing new escape games daily. Good Luck and Best Wishes from escape Games.

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Ages 4+

Version 1.0

Games, Adventure

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