Calculator + by Sarah Ragab

Available on the App Store for Free

   Age Rating: 4+

   Current version: 2.1.1

   Categories: Productivity, Utilities

App Description

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xNeat Calculator+ is a powerful yet simple calculator designed with simplicity, usability and beauty in mind.
- Apple Watch support
- Elegant & Intuitive interface
- Supports handwriting
- Displays both the equation & the result at the same time
- Supports Fraction & Percent
- Supports many scientific functions
- Advanced editing by easily going back and forth
- Can be added to Today Screen
If you are looking for more advanced features you can upgrade to one or more of the following:
- Handwriting Calculator
- Polynomial Calculator for solving quadratic & cubic equations
2x³ - 4x² - 22x + 24 = 0
- Linear Equations Solver for solving system of linear equations
2x – y = 9
3x + 4y = –14
- Graphing Calculator to find the local min, max & intersection points
y = 2x³ – 4x
(x² + y²)³ = -27y²x²
- Multiple themes
Enjoy the FREE Scientific calculator with, no ads, no prompts & if you like it, support us by upgrading or giving us a positive review.
Thanks :)

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Current version (2.1.1)

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